Tuesday 4 November 2008

Exposição no Café da Vila, São Brás de Alportel

Exposição  de 1 de Novembro a 31 de Dezembro

Monday 15 September 2008

Relaxing after a busy day
More African skies (I just like them!)

Close up of Italian Bay

My Mad Cow

My Cow I finally got to paint!

Paintings from last Exposition Arte Viva And Museu de Trajo

African skies

Italian bay
After the Flames

Tuesday 15 July 2008

After Arte Viva 2008

Sold all my chameleons and have an order for two more!

I also won a few weeks of gallery space at the museum, that was a bonus!

Unfortunately my computer is down at the moment and I am using a public one today. Don't know how long I shall be without a computer, but I am doing my best to remedy the situation.

Tuesday 6 May 2008


I made these little critters, they took a while but they are worth it. I started out using electrical wire and then I moved on to beads. I will be selling them in the
Arte Viva fair this year in São Brás.

Tuesday 1 April 2008

South America

This one is also a favourite, I really enjoyed painting it too.

Middle East, Iraque, Iran etc.

This was prety much inspired by the Gulf War. I tend to get inspiration from disasters for some reason. I quite like the colours in this painting.

Never Ending War


The Boot.

I did want to make this more controversial, but I just really got into painting it and I forgot about politics...

The boot itself is the shroud of Turin

Tree of Life

The full title is actually...

'If men do these things when the tree is green...what will he do when it is dry?'

Food for Thought

Wednesday 5 March 2008


Middle East

This is one of my favourites. I gave it away. (dah!)

Friday 29 February 2008

Europe and Tibet

Yesterday I forgot to mention Europe and Tibet.

Europe is not one of my favourites, I don't really like the colours. There is a "Religion Coctail" near Italy. This represents how people tend to mix religions these days and the crucified Mary represents the erroneous worshipping of The Virgin Mary.

Man evolving back into a monkey I first did the the Africa picture. I like that.

Tibet is from the imagination.

Thursday 28 February 2008

About these pics

The USA was a copy of a very old picture I sold years ago. I had to experiment more with colours. (My original maps were in black and white, pencil)

The India picture was painted after the tsunami in Asia. The little girl at the bottom holds an expression of fear because of what she saw.

The "Prato Preferido do Bush Bush" Picture only really translates in Portuguese. It's actual title is "Armas de Destruição em Massa" Otherwise known as "Bush's favourite dish".

Africa was my favourite. I sold it last year.

The colage of the USA "Mad in America" was inspired by the Twin Tower disaster. I later added the huricane Katrina.

I have more to display here. When the computer starts behaving itself I will be able to down load them!!

Wednesday 20 February 2008



Mad in America

Prato Preferido do Bush

Armas de Destruição em Massa!

Africa Minha/ My Africa




Olá sou Mandy, uma artista que vive em Portugal.
Espero com o tempo encher este blog dos meus trabalhos e opiniões sobre est mundo em que nós vivemos. Que se reflecte tambem nos meus quadros



Hi I am Mandy, an artist living in portugal.

I hope to eventualy put my work on display here, as also my opinions of this world we live in. Which is also reflected in my artwork. I only created the blog today so i have to get to work...
